Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year.

Everyday, grateful changes me. Being grateful makes a difference in my spirit. Being grateful changes my perspective. Being grateful changes me.

There are so many things in life that are imperfect...I'm grateful that I've come to enjoy my imperfections. Living honestly and authentically allows me to be real in all of my relationships. I trust that I'm okay as I am. I have my people...the real ones. 

The real ones are honest in their own lives. They're easy to be with. They're comfortable with who they are. They don't need to impress others. They do their best and admit imperfections. They have a sense of humor. They live beautiful lives, beautifully imperfect lives. They're grateful for the life they live.

Being real makes every life choice easier. I check my ego. I listen to my heart. I do what sincerely feels like the right thing to do. I want to be with people who do the same. It's a good life.

One of the greatest books on the subject is The Velveteen Rabbit. The message is so sweet and simple. This is a great book to read with a child, knowing the lesson is for me. I can always use the reminder.

Grateful for Simple Abundance in Nature